Crazy road called life.

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“OUCH My nipple”

“This will be my very last period:(“

“I do!”

“What do you mean his belly button falls off!”

“Rest in peace my friend”

I think we have all said one of these or something similar. Lifes path is full of emotional times be the happy or sad they make up the journey that makes us who we are. 

Together lets celebrate these moments, answer those questions and love who each of us becomes as we travel down this crazy road called life.
So let me introduce myself. My name is Monique. I am a wife, a mom, a bus driver, an artist, a business owner and a survivor. 

I create custom DNA keepsakes to celebrate the many moments we all hold dear. Here I will share the stories both joyus and tragic behind some of these special pieces. I will endevor to provide mama related information on health, wellness and just good old fun. 

I want to make you laugh, cry, think and ask questions. I look forward to our travels!